Monday, 29 July 2013

Venus in Cancer - Big Old Family Line

Former President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed has Venus in Cancer
Rolling the words around our tongues, engaging in light hearted flirtations and spreading our wings were just some of the delights that Venus gifted to us during her stay in the sign of Gemini, The Twins. From the 3rd June 2013 until 26th June 2013 Venus immersed herself in the waters of Cancer The Crab. 
Former President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed is famous in the West for his strident environmental stance on climate change and being the first democratically elected leader of a Muslim country, overthrowing a 30 year dictatorship in 2008. He has also presided over the first underwater cabinet meeting four years ago to draw attention to the environmental problems. He claims he had to relinquish democratic government at gunpoint in 2012 but is running for office again despite threats to his family. Speaking on the 27th July 2013 during the launch of the Maldivian Democractic Party's (MDP) foreign policy for the upcoming presidential elections, Mohamed Nasheed stressed the importance of good relations and co-operation with other countries of the World for the future of the Maldives.
'Other countries want human rights to be respected. Other countries want only an election to change a government. There are such principles held in high regard...'
Cancer delights in grabbing hold of things, hugging them close to the chest and sometimes transporting them away, off into infinity. For that short period of time when Venus was in that sloppy old sense of delight the cosmos will have urge us to surf the breaking waves for the ride. Venus's visit here in Cancer with the crustacean would have wanted us to squeeze our loved ones tight and to shower them with oodles and oodles of sweetness and just generally make sure they are safe and this applies whether to those of you born with this natally, or  just at any time when Venus passes through the sign of Cancer or any Cancer activity. Sun in Cancer - Emotional Pitstop
41st President of the United States George H W Bush has Venus in Cancer
He shaved his head in support of the 2 year old son of one of his Secret Service detail, 'Patrick's Pals',
who has Leukaemia, 26th July 2013.' George 41' & his wife Barbara lost their 2nd child Robin at 4 years old to Leukaemia 40 years ago. His son Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida and his other son George W Bush was Governor of Texas then the 43rd President of the United States of America.
A word about Venus, Venus Come Out Of Your Shell basically she likes to indulge. Feeding the body, anointing it, making it look, smell and fee lovely is what she is generally all about. There are other things she loves, such as beauty in all it's forms, and an appreciation of the finer things in life, art, culture and social bonds. Relationships, money and fairness are part of the things Venus desires. A run through that list gives us a clue on just how fundamental and central she is to our lives. Love and Money, get those two things sorted and most people feel they have a good handle on life. You can deny one but it is unusual to deny both. Unless you just deny everything.
Victim of Domestic Abuse & Murder Nicole Brown has Venus in Cancer
Former wife of Professional Footballer O J Simpson, who was accused of viciously butchering her
and her friend Ronald Goldman to death with a knife and getting away with it in a media fuelled
 'Trial of the Century' 19 years ago but was later found liable in a civil suit filed by the victims families.
Venus had been teasing, light and curious during her time in Gemini which got us all kind of used to that way of being, taking things on face value, using detachment but what happened when she moved to Cancer, how different was it with The Squeezy Squeezy Crab running the ‘Love ‘n Money Show’? As a word of advice, don’t stray too far, don’t push a joke, operate caution and stick around. Do this and you could have navigated your path through easier than had you played around, expected to be excused or tried to keep things on the low-low.

President Barack Obama has Venus in Cancer In the wake of his climate change speech, Obama has expressed reservations about the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline project in the New York Times on the 27th July 2013, stating that it would not create many jobs and could raise gasoline prices. He disputed the economic benefits justification for the pipeline and confirmed that he would reject the project if it were to 'significantly exacerbate' carbon pollution. 'Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator. There is no evidence that that's true'
If you wanted to attract, it would have been in your best interest to have been aware that during this time, emotional intelligence, for everyone, would have been amped up to the max. From whatever base level we started from, during these few Venus in Cancer weeks it would have risen up quite a few notches. Hiding would have been pretty impossible although what we many of us may have secretly wanted to. There would have been very few emotional hiding places.
Accused Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has Venus in Cancer
His older brother Tamerlan died in a police shootout after the bombing, leaving an American widow, who is reported to have been completely subservient to him, leading others to believe his brother may have also felt equally intimidated. Dzhokhar's old teacher exclaimed 'I knew this kid. He could not have possibly have done this. He could not have been a sweeter more gracious young man. I cannot believe he was capable of such a heinous crime and of so many the old Hebrew expression goes. You got to be' Classmates also could not come to terms with his behaviour.'I don't believe I know that bomber…And I've known him for yeaaaarssss!!!! Dzho this is ridiculous man .. what happened bro, daaaamn I thought u loved us dude!!!!'
We would all have had a month where our relationships may have got a bit more ‘cozy’ or claustrophobic depending on your bias, and Venus in Cancer comes from a very deep bias which basically is, To Have And To Hold Is The Only Way. Gooey, sensual, slurpingly indulgent and wickedly physical Cancer is not one of the signs which says No! to self indulgence, so when Venus the Goddess of indulgence comes to stay this can be quite a combo.
Actress Angelina Jolie has Venus in Cancer
She has thre biological children and three adoptive children with actor Brad Pitt in a media spotlighted 'rainbow family. Her mother Marcheline Betrand was co-founder of the All Tribes Foundation, culturally and economically benefiting Native Americans, and the Give Love Give Life organisation, which raises public awareness of women's cancers. She died of at the age of 56 after an eight year battle with ovarian cancer, Angelina's grandmother also died of ovarian cancer at 45 and her maternal aunt who died at 61 also had the same BRCA defective gene, causing Angelina to undergo a preventative double mastectomy after finding out that she had a 87% chance of developing breast cancer. Her positive influence is highlighted in the
 Time magazine article The Angelina Effect
Before we get too carried away it may also be the case that we became much more insecure, clingy and hypersensitive as our feelers are on full alert for any sign of danger or threat whether to ourselves or our loved ones. This could have made us all too weepy or a bit childish, scary and scared. Or our instinct may have been on red alert.
'Father of Fracking' George Phydias Mitchell has Venus in Cancer
Born in Texas to Greek immigrants he started his working life as a 'wildcatter' drilling exploratory wells and became a billionaire. 
Mitchell also drilled for natural gas using hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking. Where sand, water and other liqiuids are blasted into rock formations at high pressures unlocking trapped oil and gas. Environmentalists fear chemicals used to crack the rock endanger the environment and threaten groundwater. Mitchell who died on the 26th July 2013 aged 94 also voiced concerns himself,
'The administration is trying to tighten up controls. I think It’s a good idea. They should have very strict controls. The Department of Energy should do it...because if you don't do it right there could be trouble'
Key to understanding what is going on for us is to look at where in ourselves we are ‘Cancer-attuned’, we all have degrees in our birth chart which looks out for any Cancer vibration. Where is your personal Cancer antenna? It will be good to look at how smoothly do the matters connected to your Cancer house and/or planets run? Are they functioning as well as they could, or is there room for improvement? What do you think?
Mercury in Cancer - Postcards From The Water's Edge
Footballer Mario Balotelli has Venus in Cancer
Has suffered racial abuse from Italian football fans and Italian football clubs Roma and Inter Milan have both been fined for racists chanting and throwing bananas. On his debut for AC Milan, owned by ex Italian president Silvio Berlusconi his brother Paolo Berlusconi said in paraphrase 'Right we are all off to see the family s little n***** he's a madhead' 
If you have Cancer spanning the 5th zone of Romance & Creativity, you may find your ‘fun time’ gots a perk as what you do for the sheer love of it deepens and may go to another deeper level. Who or what do you love the most?
If you are a Sun sign Cancer then hey this stuff is easy right? Well yes, but to a point, even a sensual, emotionally aware Crab needs to have a hug and have its own demons shooed away. If your own Venus is in Cancer, lovely, a time to welcome in new arrivals.
Italian Integration Minister Cecile Kyenge has Venus in CancerOriginally from Democratic Republic of Congo she had bananas thrown at her at a political rally on the
26th July 2013. She has faced racial slurs and threats on a regular basis since joining the Italian government.  Robert Canteroli a member of the Italian senate and a member of the anti-immigration Northern League party likened her to an orangutan. Another Northern Leaguer Doloros Valandro wrote on her Facebook page 
in response to an article about the alleged rape of two women by a Somali man.'Why no one ever rapes her, so that she understands what the victims of this heinous crime go through! Shame!'. Kyenge who is Italian and Congolese replied 'I don't want to comment because everyone should feel offended, not just me. This language instigates violence and doesn't belong to me.'
For the time of Venus in Cancer we may have had a cupboard stacked full of emotional pot-pouri, our senses may have been sharpend to a fine point and we could have dived deeply into the embraces and cooing sweet nothings from those close to us. When Venus moves in with the Lion in Leo we were ready to switch our desires towards a more outward focus but very much on ourselves contrasting very much with Venus in Cancer. As always its been emotional.
Singer/Songwriter Ben Howard has Venus in Cancer
Music from Jane Campions Top of the Lake with Actress Elizabeth Moss who has Venus in Cancer
credits: star-telegram & farandfaraway & foolandcry & the guardian
posted by pippa ponton & jphibbs

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Mars in Gemini - Promote Your Own Brand

Guitarist/Songwriter & co-founder of the Rolling Stones Keith Richards has Mars in Gemini
Rolling Stone magazine credit Richards with creating 'rock's greatest single body of riffs' After over 50 years as a band the 'Stones' headlined Glastonbury Festival 2013 and Hyde Park 2013
On the 1st June 2013 the warrior planet Mars set off once again on its ongoing route march through the 12 astrological signs. This time it darted up and into the air space of Gemini the Twins, before it began further manoeuvres from the 13th of July 2013 in the water sign of Cancer. 
Former Spice Girl/Designer/Stylist for 'Brand Beckham' Victoria Beckham has Mars in Gemini
While Mars was in Gemini, it became quite flighty, lighter than air and hovered over us, restlessly shifting, adjusting, swooping and rising like a kite in the wind or like the twins on bikes. 
London Mayor Boris Johnson has Mars in Gemini
'Brand Boris' and his 'Boris Bikes', available to pedal around London, sponsored by a bank. He has just unveiled a giant blue cockerel on the 4th plinth in Trafalgar Square to celebrate a British win in the Tour de France.
With bodybuilder, Terminator actor Arnold Swazanegger, 'Brand Arnie' 'I'll be back'
served two terms Governor of California. 
Mars, during its stay in Gemini, would have needed gentle tugs from the control reel on the ground occasionally just to maintain its connection to Earth, but mostly its colours constantly changing with the light could have held us enthralled by its magic. For us us here on the ground this time would have had its moments of flights of fancy, big plans and fleeting glimpses of a better future. Just as a kite quickly moves into another formation so too may we have done an about-turn and re-sighted our aim.

Sean Taro Ono Lennon has Mars in Gemini
Born on his father John Lennon's birthday brought up by his house-Dad until Lennon's murder 5 years later. 
'Brand Lennon/Ono' Sean is also a musician/activist founding Artists against Fracking with his mother Japanese artist Yoko Ono 'Imagine theres no Fracking'
Mars love a good fight and is ambitious to get to its desired target, and during its stay in Gemini the ‘Action Man’ planet would have tried to achieve its goals by using the power of words and quick thinking. So Mars whilst in the sign of the writer meant the world saw over 100,000 signatures for a petition to pardon Edward Snowden, people fought with the pen. Edward Snowden fluttered from one international air space to another, neither here nor there, waiting in the liminal no-mans-land ready to move to somewhere-elsewhere at the drop of a hat.
Famous US Whistleblower on the run Edward Snowden has Mars in Gemini
Already 'Brand Snowden' a German lingerie company poster shows a young woman seductively suggesting
'Dear Edward Snowden there's still a lot to uncover'
We would also have been prone to rushing in far too quickly as we believed we thought through everything in lightening quick speed by actually may have forgotten to lock the front door. Darting here and there, our movements may have looked sporadic or just too quick, like a lizard moving in the corner of eye, dazzling and fascinating we could have been both the onlooker and the participant interchanging at the speed of light. A newly discover prehistoric lizard the Barbaturex Morrisoni was discovered, named after the Singer for the Doors, the Lizard King himself. 
Iconic Singer for The Doors Jim Morrison has Mars in Gemini
He died from a drug overdose in Paris but 'Brand Morrison' has always and still is a poster staple.
Buried in Pere Lachaise Cementry in Paris his grave did not have a marker then the French authorities placed a shield over it which was stolen, the previous site was  always covered with shells and letters.
Mars loves to get physical and in Gemini, with revel in using dexterous hands, brilliant hand eye coordination or being fleet footed. The Tour de France got underway in Corsica and ended up with a British winner.
British Cyclist Chris Froome has Mars in Gemini
Winner of the 100th Tour de France July 2013 'Brand Froome' soon to start a sponsor frenzy 

started with a free Jaguar F-type.
There was also the gladiatorial tennis battle that took place in Wimbledon.
British Wimbledon Mens Singles Champion 2013 Andy Murray has Mars in Gemini
He is signed to Simon Fuller's XIX Entertainment connected to Brand Beckham and the Spice Girls .
Check out the Gemini zone in your own chart. This area will have Mars in the zippy chattering Twins buzzing through it. This is where we would have been urged to act quick witted, flirty or even used a degree of espionage. 
Scottish Actor Sean Connory has Mars in Gemini
Started off as a bodybuilder ended up as 'Brand Bond' 'I want you to die Mr Bond' but he still goes on.

In July 2013 was told to
Used wisely this could have been healthy and much longed for, for instance if through your 6th zone you could employed your skills to further your employment and your brand. 
French Iconic Designer Coco Chanel has Mars in Gemini
Her initials became the ultimate marque, her shop number the ultimate perfume, her 'little black dress' part of fashion mythology, even her birthdate became part of 'Brand Chanel'
We can all use the power of Mars to motor us through to our goal to ignite our passions and fuel our issues and drive us ever onwards, but we would also be wise to choose our targets and desires wisely and think more about the opposition and consequences of our decisions and actions.
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has Mars in Gemini
'Brand Blair' began with 'New Labour' and he was the US Liberty Medal, an annual award of courage and conviction for people who strive to secure 'liberty' for people around the world. For example Tony Blair is seen as being instrumental in ending the conflict in Kosovo and boys born in that country following that war have been given the name Toni or even Tonibler
. However 'Brand Blair' took a hard knock after what is seen as 'PR lies' about'Weapons of Mass Destruction', the 'War on Terror' and Blair's apparent strong support of American foreign policy under US Hawk President George W Bush to the continuing extent of UK participation in the Invasion of both Afghanistan and Iraq. (manufactured image)
With Mars in Gemini the mind will want to drive the passions, the mind will be a weapon of inspiration or can just spit out weapons of mass destruction in the form of harsh, hurtful words. 
Pink Floyd Band Member Roger Waters has Mars in Gemini
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group has urged other entertainers to denounce the rock musician anti-Israel activistism of Roger Waters after a giant pig shaped balloon emblazoned with a Star of David was released at a concert in Belgium on the 18th July 2013. 'With this disgusting display Roger Waters has made it crystal clear. Forget Israel, never mind limited boycotts promoting Middle East Peace. Waters is an open hater of Jews' Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Waters has been a vocal activist in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel accusing Israel of 'ethnic cleansing', 'apartheid' and 'international crimes.' The inflatable pig is totally associated with 'Brand Waters' in many contexts over nearly 50 years.
Arguments are favoured battle grounds but often the real battle is simply boredom. Has the energy of Gemini benefitted us  just recently or did we just get too fidgety and feel like our mental cogs and wheels have just been spinning or did something start up that may never stop.
credits: BBC & the Times & armani & max keiser & the guardian
posted by pippa ponton & jphibbs

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Duke & Duchess of Cambridge's Son - Father & Sun in Cancer

The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge Baby Son HRH Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge 
born 22nd July 2013 with Sun in Cancer.
Phew! as Britain boiled and baked on its hottest day of the year, the Duchess of Cambridge finally released her little bun out of the Royal oven giving birth to a baby boy at 16.24 pm in the private Lindo Wing, St Mary's Hospital, Paddington, West London. 
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge Will & Kate with Little Prince George 
& Princess Diana & Prince Charles with Little 'Wills'
Fuelled with an accurate time of birth, a somewhat novel event for British astrologers, we are able to instantly draw up a birth chart for the baby Prince. As it turned out the precise time of birth mattered a great deal since the Sun, Moon and Venus all changed sign that day.
Whole Sign Birth Chart Royal Baby Prince George of Cambridge 
Fascinating to see that the bright shining solar energy of this baby born to be King was not Leo the Royal sign after all but Cancer the sign of ‘the clan’. The Sun's degree at 29.58 is literally the tail end of the sign of Cancer, a few minutes later and it would have been Leo. But no, clearly this baby's purpose, the Sun, is to address full on and even embody, family, hereditary, the past, roots, clan and tribe. 
              The sign Cancer can be a totem for country, tribe, religion, faith, family, or nation, which people gather around, examples, include the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela. 
Dalai Lama & Nelson Mandela both Sun in Cancer
The Sun also symbolises what each of us draws from our father or paternal heritage and this Royal baby’s father is Prince William, his grandmother, Princess Diana and ‘step-grandmother’, Camilla Duchess of Cornwall who were born under the sign of Cancer.
Prince William & his mother Princess Diana both Sun in Cancer
When a planet is in the last degree of a sign it is an anaretic degree or a critical degree. This is the planet having a last and final gasp in this sign and going out with a bang. Planets in the anaretic degree seem to boldly embody the qualities of the sign, they declare loud and proud 'here I am, this is me!' 
Duchess of Cornwall Camilla has Sun in Cancer
Romance began in 1971 and never went away through both their marriages.
This is the planet saying this is your last chance to sort out these issues and so just so as you see them they will continually bump into your widescreen viewpoint so that you are unable to ignore them. 
King Edward VIII has Sun in Cancer
Abdicated his throne in 1936 'to marry the woman I love' American divorcee Wallis Simpson
Cancerian issues for this Royal baby will be unavoidable and obvious. The Cancer issues, clan, heritage, possession, lineage, tradition and FAMILY-FAMILY-FAMILY!
The last time that there were three male heirs to the throne was during Queen Victoria's reign.
This Cancerian family orientated Sun, using Whole Sign Houses, is tightly tugging at the 10th house Leo cusp as close as it possibly can so the Solar, male, father principle is right at the top of the chart, the highest aspiration and greatest ambition, it is at the peak of its purpose, on the cusp of Kingly Royal Leo. In other words saying ‘I have a Cancerian Daddy who is King, who is much admired and who I will closely follow’.
Duke & Duchess of Cambridge William & Kate
Bringing us quickly onto the Mother principle, which we should be quick about when dealing with Cancer, symbolised by the Moon, the ruler of Cancer. This Royal baby’s Moon is again tightly attached to the Male Solar principle as it lies exactly opposite in the sign of traditional Capricorn, which incidentally, is also the Sun Sign of the baby's mother the Duchess of Cambridge. Babies born with a Capricorn Moon tend to be asked to grow up quickly, to curb childlike impulses and to be mature. The ways of the world can weigh heavy on their shoulders, and Mum is perceived often as being drawn into the world of work or public life. This lunar principle is tucked as tight as can be to the cusp of the 4th house, underneath just a toddler clinging onto mummy's skirt but all the while peaking out.

With a Scorpio Ascendant the Baby Prince will learn to cloak his real feelings and mask what is really going on for him, hiding may become a way of surviving. Often those born with Scorpio Ascendents can report feeling as if there are under surveillance cameras or being followed by a film crew, there are always 'on'.

Lastly a mention has to be made to his Venus in Virgo, on the fixed star of Regulus the most royal of stars! (Regulus) This Venus will be very precise about how and what he shows of himself, nothing will be haphazard or casual. This Venus sign has a deep desire to serve, to help in as many practical ways as possible. This Venus is also opposed by Neptune the planet of spin, dreams, confusion, hype and film. You don’t need to be an astrologer to predict the quanitiy of film footage and media attention this little guy will attract!
Singer/Songwriter Cat Stevens (goes under the name Yusuf Islam) has Sun in Cancer
credits: guardian & wikepedia
posted by pippa ponton & jphibbs